Archive for October, 2013


book pormoIt’s wonderful when you see you story cover up with others. Especially when they’re such good reads. The good rub off really feels great. The In-Ko=Pah Spirit, my DESERT PULP novella never looked so good.

The purchase tabs aren’t active but you know the way to amazon. Find something you like and read it. Happy reading.

Click on the image to enlarge.


Where do fiction characters come from? In my BORDER PULP stories they come from the Mexican/American Border. I write what I call Border Pulp. It’s action adventure story telling that goes for the throat. I don’t deal with high morals my characters don’t have any.

Many of my characters come from the country shown on the map. It shows the area I’m very familiar with. Historic Highway 80. It says that on the road signs. Laid down in 1932 over the original concrete road that was poured in 1912, its called Old Highway 80. In the 1920’s Old Highway 80 was called the Sunshine Highway.

Confused? Don’t worry, but if you lived in Boulevard or Jacumba this would be important. The map below will give you some idea of the area I’m talking about.

Boulevard to Jacumba

The Old Road to Jacumba…

Click the image for a larger view…


The In-Ko-Pah Spirit Cover

Be sure and visit Jodi’s Chaptersandchats. She has a lot of interesting things going on.